For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
First, Greetings to everyone! I am happy that you have landed on my website and am hopeful that it will be an encouragement to you in whatever area may be helpful to you. You can probably already tell that my blog is going to be written from a Christian perspective. You would be correct!
I have always been God-ward. I can remember, as a young child, walking to church right by myself and attending a church where I knew no one. This continued into my teen years and into adulthood. I wasn’t encouraged by anyone to attend church. So what motivated me? I don’t know – other than it had to be a leading from the Spirit of God. The desire was just always there. Maybe it was a “calling”. Regardless, my faith has always been a priority in my life.
Now I am sure that everyone of you know that “church”, per se, has not been perfect. I am sure that many of you have some “adjectives” you use or have used to describe “church” people. I am right there with you. I could have turned away many times because of the “actions” of the “church”. I have experienced way more than I want to admit. So, I feel you!
You may ask, how can this be? Well, there are many reasons for this, but right now I want to only throw out one thought. I do not think that the majority of the “church” nor the “non-churched” has a correct perception of who God TRULY is and His love toward ALL of us. The reasons are probably unlimited. It is my hope that I will be a catalyst, led by Holy Spirit, in encouraging you to open up your heart to receiving what is presented in my blog and seeing God from a new perspective. From this new perspective, I believe there will come hope, encouragement and healing – straight from the Throne Room of God!