His Plan

It is not my intention to get into the creation of the world as laid out for us in the Book of Genesis, except at the point where God purposely creates mankind.    But even more fascinating than just the fact that God desired to create such a being is that God created mankind in His image (Genesis 1:26).  Whoa….!   He had already created the stars, moon, sun, separated the waters and made dry land to appear, day and night, created all the animals in the sky and ground and then told them to be fruitful and multiply.  Then He turns and says “Let’s make man in our image”.   He then gives them the same directive except He gives them dominion over the earth – “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it”.   

God places Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden filled with everything they need.   He then gives them instruction not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and explains what will happen should they disobey.   God knew something that Adam did not currently know.  But because of God’s character and nature, He wanted to give man a choice, just as He does today.  We know that satan came around later, in the form of a serpent, and deceived Eve.  He put doubt in Eve’s mind as to the real reason as to why God told them not to eat of the tree’s fruit.  He stated to Eve that God’s real reason for the instruction was that He knew that they would become like Him, knowing Good and Evil – the very thing that he himself was guilty of – such deception!  Eve is deceived by satan, but Adam disobeys God’s directive.   At this point, their eyes are opened and they now know both “good and evil”.  Sin enters God’s creation.

They are cast from the Garden itself, God knowing that if they were to eat from the Tree of Life that they would remain in an unredeemable  state for eternity.  God had a plan to redeem mankind.   That plan was and is Jesus.  He became the “sacrifice” for our sins.  It is only through Him that we can redeem our fellowship with God, our Father.  He is still wanting that “fellowship” with Us – an intimate relationship.  He is still wanting us to be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth.  He is still wanting us to spread who He IS throughout the world.  

And satan still wants to deceive us.  The Word of God states that satan is the father of all lies.  He can’t speak truth.  His only motive is to steal, kill and destroy this special mankind that is made in the image of God.  He wants us to stay blinded to the fact that God loves us no matter what we have done or how we have lived.  We are His creation – His children.  Imagine how much we love our children – no comparison to God’s love for His creation.  But He is a loving God, therefore, He allows us choices.  There is no grey area – It’s His Kingdom or satan’s kingdom. 

Satan has done a good job of deceiving the world using the same tactic as he did with Adam and Eve…..Did God really say? …questioning God’s integrity and motive.  God is not the author of anger, bitterness, sickness, disease, lust, jealousy, selfish ambition, discord, hatred, fits of rage etc. (Galatians 5:19-21) –  however, this is the fruit of satan’s work.   God’s Kingdom and nature is love, joy, peace, forbearance, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22).  Which one would you choose?     

My hope is to help to change the way the world sees God.  We have been lied to in so many ways.  We have been hurt in so many ways and it’s always God’s fault.  If He is so powerful, then why did this happen?   I have asked the same question.   He is not the author of sin, but satan is.  He purposed from the very beginning that we would live forever and be in fellowship with Him.  This is still His purpose.  The enemy has/had other plans.  We have been duped.  

 It is my hope that my blog will cause you to begin to question belief systems and hunger for Truth.  We will all get there in our own unique ways as we open our hearts to being taught and led by God.  We each have a choice.  My blog is meant to encourage you and help you find healing in whatever area is in need.      Blessings to ALL!