I Love YOU …….

God wants you to know today that He hasn’t given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. What is happening all around you today is not of Me. It is a work of deception. Look to Me. Trust Me. I created you for fellowship with Me. I Love You.           God

Guys, we are entering into a new era. Life isn’t likely to return to what we consider “normal”. Personal life, work life, how we relate to each other and church life is in need of change. There are too many activities going on in our world today that are straight from the kingdom of darkness.

God is not the author of Covid, murder, riots and the like. These activities are meant to instill fear. This means that all of these activities are coming from satan’s kingdom. God’s kingdom operates by Love;  satan’s kingdom operates by fear.  I am sure you would all agree with me that most people are operating in fear – even the believers.  Satan’s biggest tool of deception is lying and twisting truth. God is on the move and satan is on the war path.  Each of our lives are being affected by what we are experiencing today and will continue to be affected by what is yet to come.    How will you choose to be affected?

The Church (God’s people) has let it’s guard down.  It is time for the Church to Arise and take our rightful position – Seek His face, pray, read His Word, Believe His Word, receive His Word and put our faith into action. The Word of God is our Sword. We have been given tools to cut off the enemy.  Jesus defeated satan through His death, burial and resurrection. He took back for us what God desired for us from the very beginning of creation. We have to take it and learn to use what He purchased for us.  Satan has no power over us unless we believe his lies.  Everything we hear and see in the natural should be measured based on the character and nature of God, as presented in His Word.

It actually boils down to whether you will choose to walk in fear or faith; whether you are going to believe satan or whether you are going to believe God – Fear or Faith.   But you say, “It is so hard!”   Exactly!     Any time we draw near to God, the enemy comes in to try to steal it. Remember the Parable of the Seed and the Sower.   The thief comes immediately to steal the seed. His tactic isn’t going to change. You have to learn to recognize his lies and tactics and resist him – taking every thought captive.

God will take what the enemy dishes out and use it for our good. Do you realize that both God and satan only work through humans?   We have to yield ourselves to one or the other. We can’t serve two masters. To me, this means that we have a say in what is going on in this world. Evil (sin) can’t be rampant unless there are willing vessels.  Likewise, Good (love) can’t be rampant unless there are willing vessels.        Something to think about!     I am going to leave you on that note.

 As always, my intention is to encourage you to go a little deeper in your walk with God.  Believe in the goodness of God.  Ask Holy Spirit for wisdom, enlightenment, understanding and truth.  Holy Spirit is your friend.  Develop a relationship with Him.         (Talking to myself too!)

Blessings! Talk soon Brenda 

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